

80-Minute Audio Exploration Course & Full Ebook Transcript


A beautiful 80-minute deep dive into the nature of real healing and understanding trauma in all its forms.  There are so many jewels of insight and wisdom in this 80-minute audio journey that will invite a profound letting go.  Relax, open your heart, and allow yourself to melt into the deepest forgiveness and love for all that is. 

"I'm totally captivated by Tiger's wisdom on life gently leading me on a path of understanding & coming home to myself. His compassion & love shines through. Once you start listening & open your mind you'll never want your journey to stop." ~Alison

Video, Audio, Ebook Transcript


A Meditative Exploration. It's a tragic comedy, to take things personally. Tragic, because it creates enormous suffering within the heart of what we are. Comedy, because, it's so incredibly not true. Travel inward, during this 46-minute meditative exploration and discover the depth of liberation that waits to be seen.

30 Minute Audio & Transcript


A soft and gentle invitation to return to the present moment and connect with what's real. This 30-minute audio journey contains a 20 minute guided meditation with an additional 10 minutes of insight.

A beautiful 2-Hour Audio & Ebook Journey

Audio Preview

Tiger Singleton takes you on a journey into a healing heart, with poetry, ancient wisdom, and the beautiful spontaneous music of Caleb Fawcett.  The audio from this course was recorded during a live event and includes 6 tracks that total 2 hours of playtime.  Additionally, there's an ebook transcript that helps to integrate the wisdom and insight shared.

"This is a truth and I am in awe of how you presented it! You truly have a gift. Shine on sweet soul! 🙏🏻💜" ~JanieTennessee, USA

90 minute Video/Audio Exploration, with Ebook Transcript

Audio Preview

To see through the eyes of God is an invitation to look at life from a space of absolute wholeness.

In this Video/Audio/Ebook opportunity, Tiger shares a meditative exploration that gently looks at the impossibility of separation, and the real-life opportunity of seeing life with more love, compassion, and freedom. In addition to this, in a playful way, Tiger will speak to the “Nature of God” and offer a depth of understanding that just might melt your heart.

"Learn More" for a short video preview

90 Minute Video/Audio Exploration & Ebook Transcript

Audio Preview

This exploration is an opportunity to explore the many facets of heartbreak and tie them all together. Exposing the spiritual opportunity to draw ourselves nearer to what we truly crave. In this discovery, we don't just 'get over it,' rather, we discover a space that can genuinely celebrate heartbreak and welcome it as a soulful teacher.

"Wow - this one had so many gems and aha/yes that's exactly what happened to me moments 😇🙏🏽 that made me laugh and cry." ~Hilal, USA

80-Minute Video/Audio Exploration & Full Ebook Transcript

Audio Preview

Self Inquiry is an ancient practice of deeply questioning what is true and real about you. Conscious Observation is to observe self, others, and life from beyond the filter of a false identity. Both, are powerful tools to point you in the direction of joyful present moment living and having a deep and heart-based connection with all that is.

45 Minute Meditative Exploration (Video/Audio/Ebook)

"Learn more" for a video preview

Self Inquiry is the practice of making contact with what is more real and true about you, beyond the impossible story we identify with and hide behind. Suffering... is to not see what you really are. This offering serves as a meditative exploration into a deeper awareness of what is really true about you.

1 Hour Video/Audio & Ebook Journey


On the surface, it might seem like we are scared of many different things. However, every story of fear points to a single fear that we avoid looking at. Let's explore and expose the imaginary monster once and for all.

75-minute Video/Audio Exploration with Ebook Transcript

Audio Preview

Is death even real, or is it yet another illusion that the mind struggles with? In this exploration, we will demystify death and see deeply its illusionary nature; ultimately to discover there's nothing real to fear.

90 Minute Video/Audio Exploration & PDF Transcript


A straightforward exploration that speaks to the root issue of Society's Sickness, and how we can unsubscribe from an impossible and sufferable game.

7 Part Meditative Audio Journey with Ebook Transcript


Audio Preview

Sharing profound insight and wisdom to expose a very sweet and ancient freedom. The invitation here is to see what’s real and true, and fully allow yourself to be free; truly free.  Delivered in 5 short guided insight meditations and 2 bonus Q&A tracks.