Understanding Society's Sickness
90 Minute Video/Audio Exploration & PDF Transcript
6 Minute Video Preview
A straightforward exploration that speaks to the root issue of Society's Sickness, and how we can unsubscribe from an impossible and sufferable game.
There's a simplicity here, in understanding the sickness of society; there's a "holy shit" moment when we unravel the noise and see what all the commotion and unwellness is really about.
I hope to bring a softness to this issue, looking beyond any flavors of blame or any tension that demands it should change. Rather, an opening; an opening that looks out from a space of deep compassion and love.
Naturally, for anything to change, truly change, it can only do so through a deep understanding. This is the magic in which we swim, for all that is 'out of alignment' or unwell, is only so because of an innocent misunderstanding.