Healing Childhood Trauma
80-Minute Audio Exploration Course & Full Ebook Transcript
A beautiful 80-minute deep dive into the nature of real healing and understanding trauma in all its forms. There are so many jewels of insight and wisdom in this 80-minute audio journey that will invite a profound letting go. Relax, open your heart, and allow yourself to melt into the deepest forgiveness and love for all that is.
This ebook has changed my existence to see things as an experience rather than feel my perception of the experiences I had in the moments of my trauma. This touched on my own personal experience of my traumatic memories in a gentle way and helped me see the solace that is mine to have. I have avoided addressing my memories which became my truth but Tiger's manner of sharing his wisdom has led me on a path of healing which has brought me closer to the real truth. ~Denise Sortino
- The Disclaimer
- The Pain of Trauma
- What Is Healing, Really?
- The Energy of Blame
- Understanding Emotional Pain
- The Truth That Sets Us Free
- The Point of Being Alive
- The Loving Nature of Pain
- Seeing The Truth of What You Are
- Nothing Is Missing
- The Beautiful Invitation
This course is brilliant (of course 😊) I re-read each chapter several times, to let the wisdom percolate. I had so many passages that were my favorites! I loved that you wrote right to the heart of all misunderstanding, that we don't think we're enough.... and then you gently unpacked that, and explained each misunderstanding, until you showed that the truth is that we are wholeness. And that pain comes from our individual stories, which are never what's really happening. My god, I think this book contains all the wisdom that is ever needed!! I think it's appropriate for all "levels" of childhood trauma,... Thank you, Tiger, for being the most wonderful channel of wisdom, and for your generosity in these sharings. Thank you thank you thank you. ~Maz Gilmour, UK
"I'm totally captivated by Tiger's wisdom on life gently leading me on a path of understanding & coming home to myself. His compassion & love shines through. Once you start listening & open your mind you'll never want your journey to stop." ~Alison