
Lay Down the Polarity


What happens when you cut off the negative end of a magnet? You double the amount of negative. You now have two magnets, both with negative ends.


Positive and negative go together, you cannot actually get rid of the negative while also ‘wanting’ the positive. Every attempt will ultimately empower what you’re trying to get rid of.

The positive is made possible by the negative and the negative made possible by the positive. The illusion is that they are separate, that they are not th…

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Compassion for the Whole - Polarization of Caring


No, I don't care about this or that. I care about the whole damn thing.

Have you noticed how there might be a tendency to reject those who don't care about what you care about while embracing those who validate your "polarized caring?"

Polarization of Caring

Polarization of Caring is to say that one end of the spectrum is worthy of my love, while the other end should be destroyed. It's like saying one end of a magnet is less valuable than the other end. Or, the wintertime is less worthy of lo…

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Impossible Understanding... Be an Artist


There is a profound discovery in recognizing that no one else really understands you or sees you. At first, it can seem heartbreaking, then it becomes liberating.

Heartbreaking, because the conditioned confusion wants so badly to be seen, to be understood, and it spends an enormous amount of energy trying to be so. In many ways, one's entire life can revolve around seeking to accomplish this end.

Liberating, because you can stop trying, you can stop playing an impossible game and gently allow …

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If You Hurt; I'm Sorry, Please Forgive Me, I Love You


Full Audio Version

During the question and answer period of my talk in Finland, a gentleman asked me a sincere question that reminded me of the great challenge I'm faced with in communicating both sides of this message. Ultimately showing, what I'm really wanting to say, is... If you're hurting, I'm sorry. Please forgive me; I love you.

I was speaking on the subject of living with the freedom to be yourself. For all who were in attendance, it was abundantly clear that other people were not h…

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