
2) Let's Just Be Here - Meditate Now

Let's Just Be Here - Guided Meditation
18 minute guided meditation (audio & text) to bring you back to the present moment, and allow for more peace to be seen, felt, and shared. Tiger shares some profound insight and wisdom that reminds you of a wellness already present and available. Relax, enjoy, remember what's really true.

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Love Remembered; A Life Worth Living


Love Remembered... this is such a great exploration into the nature of Love and the opportunity of being human. It was recorded at a small group event in Denmark while streaming live online. Enjoy.  

Full Audio Version

Explore the Course Opportunity?

This is part 1 of a 4 part course


Welcome to Satsang.

Satang, for me, is an opportunity to rest in this space of stillness and to allow for, what we might call, an answer to show itself.

This answer that shows itself is to a question that r…

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Welcome to Real Spirituality


This is a full transcript of an event audio recording

Full Audio Version


When I look at my own journey in life and investigate what I might call a “spiritual path,” it's fun to reflect and ask, “what has been the point of this spiritual exercise, this spiritual unfolding?”

What I find to be the most profound thing is that my discovery in spirituality is that it has nothing to do with who I think I am, and everything to do with life as a whole. This, very directly, isn't what I was …

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Feelings of Powerlessness About Painful Past Circumstances


This is a Q&A Response from the Course Community for The Conscious Life Design Course

Question: What about present moment feelings of powerlessness about painful past circumstances?

Ya know, there are so many different approaches to dealing with past traumas and how one can address those feelings in the present moment. Everything from punching pillows to past life regressions, to years of commitment to therapy. It all really depends on where one is at on their path, and I can acknowledge tha…

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The Defense Mirror


I tend to be somewhat cautiously silent when it comes to defending myself. Which I feel has been a natural consequence of seeing the depth of Life’s cosmic mirror.

Said, not as an expectation of what one should or should not do, but said as an invitation to see the power in silence or in non-reaction. Inspired by a recent conversation where another wasn’t seeing or hearing “me,” but rather was seeing their own fear with regards to their own personal journey.

Have you ever noticed this? Sometimes, …

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Seeing the Truth of Things; a Heart Melted


Seeing the truth of things, will ultimately and eventually, melt your heart in the most beautiful of ways.

As such, if the heart isn't melted into a celebration of unconditional love, radical forgiveness, and/or unwavering compassion, then my dear... the truth isn't being seen.

This isn't wrong and it doesn't mean you're broken. Rather, it points toward an opportunity that invites a deeper openness, a more raw humility.

The truth of things? It's a truth that definitively answers the question, "What…

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Wheel of Blamed Sadness & Happiness


In the same way that I can blame someone or something for my sadness, I can blame someone or something for my happiness.

What happens if I blame for my sadness? I violently push the blamed away from me, judging it as less than; ultimately saying, “IF you were different then I would love you.

What happens if I blame for my happiness? I unconsciously disguise violence as love and cling to the blamed, waiting to eventually blame it for my sadness; all in an effort to manipulate it into being my pris…

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The Dream of Identification


To understand the dream of identification resolves much if not all, of the confusion around suffering and conflict; personal and collective. Although, to truly understand it, is somewhat of a death sentence for any personal sense of identity.

The dream of identification points to the mind's capacity to build an imaginary sense of identity with worldly forms and mental commentary. This dream of identification is what makes suffering possible, as suffering is directly tied to the fear of loss for…

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See Beyond Your Ego's Filter & Forgive


We see people through a filter, a filter of how we see ourselves. Until the self-filter disappears, we won't actually see our fellow man or even Life itself.

Naturally, this is the spiritual journey, to surrender the self-filter and see what's actually there. To let die who we think we are, to sacrifice our self-idea, to surrender the ego.

In all the social drama that seems to create conflict and an unharmonious world (all varying degrees of war and violence), they are ALL reflective of this e…

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It's Not The Point for Others To 'Wake Up'


Did it occur to you, that maybe it's not the point for others to 'wake up'?

Maybe... others are right where they are supposed to be, and the simple solution is not trying to wake them up, but rather maybe it's simply to love them as they are, where they are.

This spiritualized fantasy of the world waking up, so you can finally relax, is really a movement that blames others for your inability to relax and be with love. Maybe... not so self awake as you thought.

Maybe... they show up as they …

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