

Love Remembered; A Life Worth Living


Love Remembered... this is such a great exploration into the nature of Love and the opportunity of being human. It was recorded at a small group event in Denmark while streaming live online. Enjoy.  

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Explore the Course Opportunity?

This is part 1 of a 4 part course


Welcome to Satsang.

Satang, for me, is an opportunity to rest in this space of stillness and to allow for, what we might call, an answer to show itself.

This answer that shows itself is to a question that r…

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Welcome to Real Spirituality


This is a full transcript of an event audio recording

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When I look at my own journey in life and investigate what I might call a “spiritual path,” it's fun to reflect and ask, “what has been the point of this spiritual exercise, this spiritual unfolding?”

What I find to be the most profound thing is that my discovery in spirituality is that it has nothing to do with who I think I am, and everything to do with life as a whole. This, very directly, isn't what I was …

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If You Hurt; I'm Sorry, Please Forgive Me, I Love You


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During the question and answer period of my talk in Finland, a gentleman asked me a sincere question that reminded me of the great challenge I'm faced with in communicating both sides of this message. Ultimately showing, what I'm really wanting to say, is... If you're hurting, I'm sorry. Please forgive me; I love you.

I was speaking on the subject of living with the freedom to be yourself. For all who were in attendance, it was abundantly clear that other people were not h…

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