
What is Most Important for Joyful Living? (Awareness & Discernment)

Why is “Awareness & Discernment” most important for joyful living? Well, first, let’s explore what “awareness and discernment” are, in the context of how I’m using these words.

FYI, this is a PBR (Pre-Broadcast Reflection) that I’m writing about today’s upcoming live stream for the “Holding Space for Love to be Seen,” Broadcast/podcast recording.

Awareness: No, I’m not suggesting the most important thing is the awareness of this or that social issue, or the awareness of what you want or don’…

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30) Freedom From Overwhelm - Meditate Now

Freedom From Overwhelm Guided Meditation
It might seem like there are 1,000 demands. Or, there are challenges that seem insurmountable. However, the reality is... you are here and now, and you can only do what you can do. Let's come home to the present moment, and acknowledge what is real and true, so we can focus and make real progress.

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29) Compassion, Compassion, Compassion - Meditate Now

Compassion, Compassion, Compassion - Meditate Now
A guided meditation for... living with more compassion. Compassion for yourself, compassion for others, and compassion for all of Life. The mediation will be preceded by a short talk on the nature of real compassion. Have your judgmental mind blown, and heart opened wide.

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28) For Me or Against Me? - Meditate Now

For Me or Against Me? Meditate Now
With everything that appears to happen, we can assume the experience is for you or against you. How you interpret will shape and color not only how you experience it, but the outcome as well.

The more your perspective aligns with what's true, you'll see that nothing is ever truly against you.

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27) Dear God, Help Me See What's Real & True - Meditate Now

Dear God, Help Me See What's Real & True  Meditate Now
Discover a profound transformation from “Dear God, give me what I want” to… “Dear God, help me see what’s real and true.” Within all human beings is a sincerity that seeks guidance and wisdom from beyond the current level of awareness. We long to connect with a deeper knowing that we intuitively know is there, but often find difficulty in accessing. This meditation invites a more direct path, through a radical self-honesty that lets go of wanting and seeks first what is real and true.

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26) Guided Meditation for Anxiety & Stress - Meditate Now

Guided Meditation for Anxiety & Stress Meditate Now
Anxiety and Stress are emotional pain responses designed to point you back to be more present. They are not “in the way,” they are… “the way.” If we can truly see this, we can welcome these experiences rather than trying to fight or control them. This guided meditation is designed to assist you in transforming your relationship with anxiety and stress, so they are helpers rather than enemies.

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25) How Do I Not Run From Difficult Emotions? - Meditate Now

How Do I Not Run From Difficult Emotions? Meditate Now
Running away from difficult emotions creates difficulties on the surface of our lives; be it an addiction, drama, or everything in-between. Understandably, we avoid these difficult emotions because they threaten (in a fearful way) what we are holding onto in the world. But... how's that going?

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24) Release Money Blocks (Real Abundance) - Meditate Now

Release Money Blocks (Real Abundance) Meditate Now
Money blocks are simply a misunderstanding that believes money is what you want or don’t want; really though, it’s not about money at all. There is a deeper sincerity to what you’re looking to connect with, and the confusion believes that money is either in the way or the way (“If Only…”); this is simply a distraction that fills our minds and hearts with judgments that give power to money that money doesn’t really have. This meditative exploration with Tiger will invite you to see beyond and rel…

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23) How Do I Heal Relationship Conflict? - Meditate Now

Conflict arises through a misunderstanding of experience, through the assumption that somebody else has what you desire or crave. As we see more clearly that what WE desire and crave is already within us, we can release the other person and hold a space for conflict to transform into forgiveness and harmony.

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22) How to Be Passionate? - Meditate Now

How To Be Passionate Meditate Now
Passion is the energy of aliveness, and passion is encoded within all human beings who are... alive. However, within our fearful conditioning there can be a rejection of our aliveness which doesn’t allow passion to flow. This guided meditation invites you to open up to feel more passion and share that passion with the world.

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