
with Transcript

15) When Life Seems Painfully Meaningless - Meditate Now

When life seems painfully meaningless we have an opportunity to transform pain into a joyful openness that embraces a landscape of infinite possibilities. This meditation will inspire courage to remember why you are here in Life, along with a deeper connection with your heart’s resonance.

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14) Connect with your REAL Power - Meditate Now

This guided meditation invites you to not only connect with your real power but also discern the difference between the world's confusion of power, and the sacred power that rests in the core of what you are. Connect with a sincerity of power that doesn't need to take power from others.

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13) Embodiment of More Love - Meditate Now

How can we invite more Love into our life? Easy, become the love that you crave. This guided meditation is an opportunity to drop the barriers to Love’s flow and realize that within you is an infinite supply of Love; waiting to be seen, embodied, and shared.

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12) Forgive Yourself, Please - Meditate Now

12 Forgive Yourself, Please Guided Meditation
In this guided meditation, Tiger invites you to gently forgive yourself by seeing that there isn't really anything to forgive. The withholding of self-forgiveness is an innocent misunderstanding of what really happened; behind the fearful stories we tell.

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11) You're Not Being Rejected; Relax and Breathe - Meditate Now

You're Not Being Rejected; Relax and Breathe Meditate Now
This guided meditation is an invitation to be still and look beyond the illusion of rejection. It's a painful violence toward yourself to imagine yourself as being rejected; when in truth, it's impossible for you to be rejected. This is yet another innocent misunderstanding in the human experience.

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10) What's Really Happening? - Meditate Now

What's Really Happening? Meditate Now
A Guided Meditation to help us see beyond filters and patterns of conditioning, so we can approach life from a more grounded and centered space. Let’s look at what’s happening in our lives from a place of no judgment and conscious attention.

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09) Welcome to Being Human - Meditate Now

Welcome to Being Human - Meditate Now
This meditation invites you to embrace what it is to be human and release the resistance that is afraid to be fully human. Tiger brings you into a space that recognizes it's totally okay to just be what you are; while recognizing the human difficulty stems from thinking that it's not okay to just be human.

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08) A Compassionate Life - Meditate Now

A Compassionate Life - Meditate Now
The invitation is to recognize that Life as a whole is inherently compassionate by nature. The opportunity is to allow Life's compassion to look out from beyond your eyes and touch everything you see. This meditation starts off with about 4 minutes of insight on the subject of Compassion.

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06) Opposition Toward Life, A Sweet Surrender - Meditate Now

Opposition Toward Life, A Sweet Surrender Guided Meditation
This guided meditation will invite you to surrender the fight of opposition, maybe just a little bit. In that surrender, you can see yourself, others, and Life with more clarity; and with that clarity, there will be a natural blooming of more love.

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