34) Love & Kindness for What You Are - Meditate Now
Video Version - Guided Meditation
Written Transcript of the Guided Meditation
this short meditation
is simply
an opportunity
to extend
love and kindness
what you are
we're going
to begin
by taking
three deep breaths
and allow ourselves
to become
more present
and more relaxed
Just breathe
even if we don't
understand why
let's just quietly
in our hearts
say thank you
thank you
thank you
thank you for this breath
thank you for this heartbeat
thank you for this landscape
called life
and how it all allows me
to be here right now
It might have been
a tough journey
it might have been
a tough day
but however it has gone
maybe we can just
be here
right now
and recognize
that we made it
isn't that kind of interesting
sometimes we think
we might not make it?
but we make it
and you know what
makes it a whole lot easier?
is being a little bit
kinder to yourself
we can recognize
that all the self-judgment
all the criticism
that's not helping at all
so let's just let that go
for a moment
let's just breathe in
to the release
of all that noise
that thinks you're not enough
All that noise that thinks
you're not in the right spot
all that noise that thinks
you should have this
should have that
we're just going
to be here right now
and say thank you
thank you
thank you
let's just breathe
maybe there's
a very soft voice
within you
that can say to yourself
"I love you
and I'm sorry
if I wasn't kind to you
I just got scared
but right now
we can start over"
thanks for meditating with me today