83) Give Yourself Back to Yourself - Meditate Now
Video Version - Guided Meditation
Audio Version - Guided Meditation
Written Transcript of the Guided Meditation:
it's time
to give yourself
back to yourself
let's hang out
in this space
and gently
all of the
insane ways
we don't allow
the sincerity
of our heart,
the sincerity
of what we are
to simply be
what is true
no need
to judge ourselves
but can we just
be honest?
can we just
take a moment
and be honest
about the ways
that we deny
the truth
of what we are
and why?
because we fear
what is not ours,
because we fear
what somebody else
might think
we reject ourselves
in order to capture
an illusion
of acceptance
from the world
it's probably
a safe bet
that that's not
going to well
maybe it's time
to come home
and put down
these silly game
trying to find
something out there
come home
and see
that you already
have it all
the love you seek,
freedom you crave
it's all here
but only
right now
can you feel it?
it's all held
within the fabric
of this space
into the life
that is happening now
come home
give yourself
back to yourself
let the truth
be the truth
thank you
for meditating with me today