
53) The Home of Stillness - Meditate Now

As you let go of everything that is not here right now, you will begin to appreciate the infinite landscape of your imagination. Join Tiger as he guides you on a journey to remember the stillness and silence that lies within.

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Meaningful Relationships

Relationships present the opportunity to experience ourselves. In fact, without relationships, there would be no experience of a self at all. In every moment of every day, there is a relationship happening between what you are and what seems to be the world around you.

As I sit here in a café, I'm in a relationship with the chair, the coffee I'm sipping on, the keyboard where I type, and a thousand other unseen things. All of these relationships allow me to experience what I am. Even if I were …

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52) The Deepest Freedom - Meditate Now

Through guided breathing and reflection, we are invited to recognize that we are free right now and have always been free, even if we didn't see it. Join Tiger in this moment of openness and discover the beauty of the freedom that is already within you.

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51) Gratitude for this Moment - Meditate Now

Taste the love in life as you take three deep breaths and share it back with the world. Let yourself be held, provided for, and healed by this powerful moment. Join Tiger in this guided meditation as he invites you to be present in the moment and experience gratitude.

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50) Check In, Beyond the Story - Meditate Now

Don’t stay trapped in the mind’s stories. Here’s a quick guided meditation to help you check-in with the reality of what you are, beyond the stories, and allow yourself to ground into your most peaceful nature. Join Tiger for a few minutes, and allow his words and gentle tone to guide you home.

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49) Release - Meditate Now

Short, but powerful. Enjoy this 5 minute meditation that invites you to release whatever doesn’t serve you, and connect more deeply with Life - Here & Now. You’re invited to gently discern the difference between the mind’s noise and the reality of what you are. Enjoy.

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HSEP52: A Beautiful Detachment

A Beautifully Detached Life

Gosh, I enjoy so much doing private sessions. Not only are they such great inspiration for writing and content ideas, but they also fill my heart with so much deep appreciation for Life and being human.

For tomorrow’s live video on the “Holding Space for Love to be Seen” Podcast, I want to dive into the subject of “Living a Beautifully Detached Life.” That means, today, for the Monday inSight Letter, I’m going to share some thoughts about this topic.

Attachment vs. Detachment

Attachment vs. Detachment

To put it si…

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48) Nothing's Missing Now, Go Play - Meditate Now

Wait, stop, be still. The mind is convinced you’re missing something, and… it’s not true. This guided meditation with Tiger Singleton is an opportunity to connect with your inherent wholeness, and to remember that you’re not here to ‘get’ something, you’re here to ‘share’ something. Let’s relax into the blank canvas of life, and then discover something beautiful on the inside of what we are, that we can then share with the world.

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HSEP28: The Failure and Gift of Non-Duality

This is an interest topic to explore, for me personally because people often refer to me as a teacher of non-duality. While I don't agree 🙊, I completely understand why that conclusion could be surmised. Yes, I talk about the wholeness in all things, I speak about separation being illusory, I make reference to everything being connected, and these are all wonderful, important, and profound pointers.

Why do I not consider myself to be a Non-Duality teacher? Well, firstly, I don't consider my…

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HSEP51: It’s okay to start over; here’s how, in 5 steps

It’s okay to start over; here’s how, in 5 steps

It’s okay to start over; here’s how, in 5 steps

I’m starting over; it’s time for a new re-birth.

Naturally, I’m scared, excited, and both nervous, and focused.

In some ways, it’s a personal rebranding that includes a business (service) rebranding, allowing myself to re-align with my genuine and current interests. During the past 18 months, a lot has changed for me. It feels like I was slowly crawling out of an old skin and into a new life and way of being. Things I struggled with for decade…

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