60) Come Home to the Truth of Life - Meditate Now
Video Version - Guided Meditation
Audio Version - Guided Meditation
Written Transcript of the Guided Meditation:
life is happening
right now
can you see that?
all that is real
is real
right now
all else is imaginary,
all else is the unreal
what you crave
is to crave
for what's real
and what's real
is what's true
come home
to what's real and true
we're going to take
three deep breaths
and completely
give ourselves over
to what's real
we're going to
come home
let's breathe
we are here to play
we are here
to discover
something beautiful
on the inside
of what we are
and then share
that beauty
with the world
you're not here
to get something
you already have
you are here
to celebrate
the miracle
of being alive
so go play
thank you
for meditating with me today