46) Embrace the Unknown - Meditate Now
Video Version - Guided Meditation
Audio Version - Guided Meditation
Written Transcript of the Guided Meditation:
welcome, welcome, welcome
we have a beautiful
opportunity here
right now
let's invite ourselves
into this moment
recognizing that this is
where we are
right now is what's happening
and we are going to
devote our attention
to this shared experience
can we recognize
the simplicity of right now?
sure, there's the mind
and all this content
10,000 thoughts
going in different directions
but yeah, there's this
right now
let's just breathe
into this moment
I'd like to invite us
into the possibility of just
completely embracing the unknown
inviting us to recognize that
the unknown is not an enemy
it's not in your way
rather it's your friend
the unknown is a blank canvas
that awaits your most heart-centered creation
the unknown is a playground of possibility
that invites you on a grand adventure
isn't that what you're here for?
to explore, to discover, to grow
can we open up to this?
can we see that it's only because
the unknown is the unknown
that is possible for us
to explore, to grow, to discover
maybe there's the adorable
and innocent confusion
that thinks life is about playing it safe
that thinks life is about making everything stand still
that thinks life is about controlling the future
no, my dear
life is about being alive
and part of that aliveness
is the adventure of being alive
and the beauty of this adventure
the beauty of this journey
is that you get to go and explore
while you discover something beautiful
on the inside of what you are
and then you get to share
that beauty with the world
sure, it's not always easy
but it wouldn't be an adventure if it was
you wouldn't grow if it all just went
how you wanted it to go
maybe it's time to come out of hiding
and to pack your preferred meal bags
and go on a great adventure
diving into the deepest parts of your own sincerity
and figuring out what it is you're here to do
what are you here to share with the world?
what calls to your heart?
what aliveness within you is asking to be set free?
let's just breathe into that for a minute or two
just breathe
the unknown is your friend
the unknown is here
to support your discovery
but you have to decide
you have to consciously
participate in the process
and yes, it might be a little bit scary
that too is part of the adventure
okay, now go play
thank you
for meditating with me today.