heal your self relationship
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Genuine Spirituality…

  •  For opening your heart
  •  Seeing beyond fear, and being
  •  More grounded, loving, and playful

💌 Monday inSight Letter

The 4-minute weekly email, with audio that helps you open up, fear less, and love more.

  100% Free | unsubscribe anytime  

BONUS: free library of videos and guided meditations.

Subscribe to my Monday inSight Letter and take a free 45-minute course, to understand "genuine spirituality," and return to a more grounded, loving, and playful version of yourself.

Hi, I'm Tiger

Tiger Singleton Circle

Let’s take a journey, together...

and explore the ways you can see yourself more clearly, and remember just how supported and loved you really are.

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Are You Looking to…?

  •  See yourself, others, and Life more clearly?
  •  Move through fear, pain, and self-doubt?
  •  Honor your human journey, and… Play?

Unbelievably nurturing, fulfilling, and insightful truths. | Katie - USA

I love the way you communicated this truth. So real, so simple, so honest. Thank you. | Karen Davis - CA, USA

Your voice resonates with me on a very deep level, almost like a dear friend who I’ve known forever. Your teaching sings to me. Thank you for sharing your wisdom | Glen Miller - London

The Ways I can Support You

Read, Listen, Watch, or… Dive Deep

The FREE Stuff: I invite you to explore my library of free online resources and guided meditations, by signing up to receive my weekly (4-min) Monday inSight Letter. 

  100% Free | unsubscribe anytime  

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If you're looking for more direct support

Training, Community, Retreats, & 1 on 1

If you already resonate with my approach and desire to make more focused and meaningful progress, I'd love to share with you how that might be possible. 

Whether you're looking to…

  • overcome fear, pain, and self-doubt

  • strengthen your relationships

  • improve your business & leadership skills

  • or anything in between

All of these paths point back to the fundamental opportunity of seeing yourself and reality more clearly; that! I can help with. 

My relationship with fear changed because of Tiger. It is no longer a scary thing for me to be me. Tiger is such a sincere guide, and his answers to all my questions lead me straight into freedom. | Judith - Holland

Tell me more about your interests, so I can point you in the right direction.

See Beyond the Illusions of Fear

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The struggle of being human is a struggle of mind, where we innocently mistake our imagination for reality; where we imagine ten thousand things to fear that ultimately restrict our hearts and makes living life more difficult than it needs to be.

Beyond these illusions of the mind's thoughts, stories, and images, in the most profound way, you will see there is nothing to fear in reality.

Live Your Life with More Love

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At the core of everything you desire in this life, is the longing to experience within yourself more Love and Wholeness; which is also to say say… less fear and separation (suffering).

The path toward living with more love, is a path of seeing yourself, others, and life more clearly; this is a path of seeing more of what’s true, and letting go of what is not true. This is the spiritual journey that helps you heal, and experience more of what you genuinely desire.

Genuine Spirituality

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Genuine spirituality is a doorway into present-moment living, where you are no longer a prisoner to a mind that is lost in the past and future, or drowning in the noise of self-judgment and fear.

The invitation is to “be still and know,” which is an opportunity to a open your heart to receive insight and wisdom that helps you navigate your human journey in a more grounded, loving, and playful way.

Tiger Singleton?

Tiger Singleton HeartBased io

Tiger, the founder of HeartBased.io, is passionate about making genuine spirituality both practical and profoundly helpful. He delights in helping you see beyond the mind’s fearful illusions to rediscover a more grounded, loving, and playful version of yourself. His approach is compassionate and direct, showing through authenticity and playfulness that the spiritual journey is an adventure in self-discovery, connection, and growth, rather than a serious endeavor that can be won or lost.

Tiger's sharing is more an expression of art than traditional teaching. He is not interested in dictating what people should think, believe, or do. Instead, he shares what he finds beautiful about life and being human. This sharing offers an opportunity to resonate with wisdom and insights that may be relevant to your direct experience.

Get Started for Free

Start with this Free Course

HBWC Cover Image Genuine Spirituality

5 Short Videos

open up, fear less, love more

  • Welcome & Introduction: 3 min

  • The Struggle of Being Human: 7 min

  • Grounded Spirituality: 8 min

  • The Real Prize: 11 min

  • The Journey Home: 12 min


Honor Your Human Journey

Just the Free Stuff
No Sign-Ups

Don't want to sign up for anything, and just explore freely? No worries! Below you'll find information on available resources that invite you to open up, fear less, and love more.

Here are some great places to start as well

Welcome to heartbased io

Welcome to this short online course, where we explore the essence of genuine spirituality, stripped of all complexity and confusion that often surrounds our human and spiritual journey. 

Also, this course serves to guide your experience on HeartBased.io, helping you find your way away.

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A collection of Live Video Broadcasts where Tiger casually hangs out, sharing insight and wisdom about a wide range of topics. All of which, of course, invite you to open up, fear less, and love more.

Guided Meditations at HeartBased-io

A collection of guided meditations, led by Tiger Singleton. These are great for short moments of being still, and opening yourself up to deep insights that… bring you home to the present moment.


HeartBased.io | Tiger Singleton · 2024