Video Transcript
Well, hello there. This is Tiger.
If you're watching this video, then
I assume something I said has
struck a chord with you.
Maybe it's safe to say that
you're feeling a little bit disconnected,
a little bit distant from the opportunity that
you feel like you have, which is to thrive in life.
Okay, okay, not thrive in some grandiose
or self-important sort of way,
but thrive in the way of being
a little bit more grounded, focused,
and maybe, even less serious
and; a bit more playful.
Well, if you are hurting,
maybe feeling the pain of patterns
that don't really honor your heart.
Or the frustrations, that come
with being confused about who or what you are...
with figuring out how you might dance
in this life in a conscious, and loving way.
If so, then this video is for you.
I'm inviting you to a real talk.
Just you and me.
Let's explore where you are,
where you'd like to be,
and maybe the not so hidden, but scary,
opportunities you have, to face yourself
and truly move beyond the...
innocent misunderstandings.
However, if you're not in that space, to
financially commit to something like that.
I get it. No worries.
If that's where you are, then there's
an enormous amount of free content
that I genuinely believe could be
helpful and supportive.
However, if you are open to
a devotional commitment to honor yourself,
and find a mentor that can you through the noise
and bring you back to yourself.
Then, yeah, we should probably talk.
This isn't about a transaction,
this is about exploring your heart.
It's about cutting through a lifetime
of conditioning, at no fault of your own,
that has created a confusion, that
makes living life unnecessarily painful and difficult.
You've clearly resonated with my message
to some degree, which means
there's a certain element of trust;
and I honor that trust.
I invite you to explore that trust.
With honesty and humility,
and with an openness to see
what might be best for your journey.
This isn't a commitment to buy anything.
This is a commitment to exploring possibility.
To being open, and
inviting life to bring solutions
that just might make
a world of difference for you.
Video Transcript
Well, hello there. This is Tiger.
If you're watching this video, then
I assume something I said has
struck a chord with you.
Maybe it's safe to say that
you're feeling a little bit disconnected,
a little bit distant from the opportunity that
you feel like you have, which is to thrive in life.
Okay, okay, not thrive in some grandiose
or self-important sort of way,
but thrive in the way of being
a little bit more grounded, focused,
and maybe, even less serious
and; a bit more playful.
Well, if you are hurting,
maybe feeling the pain of patterns
that don't really honor your heart.
Or the frustrations, that come
with being confused about who or what you are...
with figuring out how you might dance
in this life in a conscious, and loving way.
If so, then this video is for you.
I'm inviting you to a real talk.
Just you and me.
Let's explore where you are,
where you'd like to be,
and maybe the not so hidden, but scary,
opportunities you have, to face yourself
and truly move beyond the...
innocent misunderstandings.
However, if you're not in that space, to
financially commit to something like that.
I get it. No worries.
If that's where you are, then there's
an enormous amount of free content
that I genuinely believe could be
helpful and supportive.
However, if you are open to
a devotional commitment to honor yourself,
and find a mentor that can you through the noise
and bring you back to yourself.
Then, yeah, we should probably talk.
This isn't about a transaction,
this is about exploring your heart.
It's about cutting through a lifetime
of conditioning, at no fault of your own,
that has created a confusion, that
makes living life unnecessarily painful and difficult.
You've clearly resonated with my message
to some degree, which means
there's a certain element of trust;
and I honor that trust.
I invite you to explore that trust.
With honesty and humility,
and with an openness to see
what might be best for your journey.
This isn't a commitment to buy anything.
This is a commitment to exploring possibility.
To being open, and
inviting life to bring solutions
that just might make
a world of difference for you.