Course Survey

Thank you for completing "Accepting All That Is & Being at Peace." Your feedback is invaluable in enhancing this journey for you and future explorers. Please take a few moments to share your thoughts with us.

1. Overall Experience
2. Course Content
(Not at all helpful)
(Extremely helpful)
3. Module Effectiveness
Please rate the effectiveness of each module in providing insights and practical knowledge.
(Not at all helpful)
(Extremely helpful)
(Not at all helpful)
(Extremely helpful)
(Not at all helpful)
(Extremely helpful)
(Not at all helpful)
(Extremely helpful)
4. Course Length and Pacing
5. Tiger's Teaching Style
6. Personal Reflections
7. Applying the Lessons
8. Recommendation Likelihood
(Not likely)
(Highly likely)
9. Improvement Suggestions
10. Additional Offerings
11. Consent for Testimonials
Your feedback helps us to continually evolve and improve. Thank you for your time and for sharing your journey with us.